At the end of my yoga class the other morning my instructor said something that really hit home for me. That through manifestation, setting intentions, and giving attention to something, we can accomplish anything. I think it’s so important to start everyday or even if it’s just every week, by setting an intention of who we want to show up as things come up throughout the week. For me I practice this through going to yoga. I think it helps to have a set place and time where you can truly form and set an intention. Intentions are different than goals in the sense that it’s more the way you carry yourself and create your thoughts before they become action. I wanted to share some examples of different intentions that often set if you are looking for inspiration on where to begin. Another thing that truly makes or breaks the action of setting intentions for me, is having plenty of time in the morning. I truly try my best to make sure I have at least 2 hours of time to workout, have a good breakfast, and relax before I have somewhere to be. It really does set the entire day up for a better mindset and outlook.

  • Be more present. This is always difficult to do, but it’s the most important. Putting away your phone for a little bit, even just sitting and noticing the sounds around you or your breath, can totally bring you back into the present moment.

  • Be more connected. Similar to being present, being more connected gets more and more difficult with technology in our way. Have more face to face conversations, get outside and connect to nature, or go do something to connect with yourself.

  • Be more at peace. Being more at peace with where we are today, not wishing we would hurry up and be something we are not already. Starting by paying gratitude towards the things in our lives is one of the best ways to feeling more at peace with ourselves.

  • Letting go. I recently wrote a post about letting go, but I can’t emphasize it enough. There are so many things that come up throughout our days and weeks that don’t go exactly our way, but it is our greatest power to make the choice to let those things go rather than holding onto tension or negativity.

I really hope this post gave you something to think about and consider especially during the winter months when we have more time to reflect on where we are and who we want to be.