Hello everyone! I am back today with yet another post as part of my fe.WELL: empowering women and girls through lifestyle inspiration series. Today’s post is something I myself still have to work on EVERYDAY. I am a terrible saver. I always have been. I love working and making money because I love spending money. I am just naturally a spender. I think it’s really important to know your habits with money and be aware of them early. I also think it’s important, even though it’s not easy, to be really honest with yourself and money. I get it, it’s not always fun to open up your bank statement, but the more we do it the easier it gets. I think girls especially need to feel more confident in their own finances. Understanding money, making it, and managing it. As a college student living in New York, I have developed quite a few tricks on how to save money on certain things, some of it was through trial and error. I already have a post about how to find the best online shopping deals but I wanted to share more in this post.

Never buy something the first time you see it: Now there are some exceptions to this rule. One being, if you are on vacation somewhere special then, by all means, buy it! Also, if it’s an item at a place like TJ Maxx or even Zara, and you really, really like it then buy it. You can always return it later! I always, always take pictures of the things I’m thinking of purchasing and if I haven’t looked at the pictures or thought about it in 48 hours, then it’s not meant to be :)

ClassPass: Use the free month trial!

Referring friends: So many companies will give extra discounts if you share referral links to friends!

Look out for free events (so many in the city usually have free food and drinks)

Always compare Uber and Lyft

Plan your meals out and spending in your agenda along with your daily tasks

Check the Whole Foods app to see what’s on sale that week

Don’t get smoothies out! While they are delicious and convenient, this eats up your money so quickly when it’s so much cheaper to buy fruit and make them yourself at home

Have a closet sale! I have been trying to implement the rule: one in, one out. Instagram stories and Venmo have made it so much easier to sell things online!