I love the winter. I think it’s because I’m attracted to all things cozy: fuzzy pajamas, furry blankets, fireplaces, snow. I think winter is the perfect time to find quiet little moments to do things for yourself to help reset. I also think winter is an easy time to fall into a bit of a rut. Especially when the days are shorter, darker, and can seem to drag on. That’s why it’s so important to know yourself and the little things you can do year-round to make each season and week a little more special.

While New York always feels a little magical, even on the most monotonous of days, it has inspired me in so many ways on how to incorporate little bits of happiness into my everyday life. I think one of the main factors is having a set routine every day but picking 2 days a week where you take one routine item and make it special. For me, that’s picking two days a week where I get my matcha out instead of making it at home. I also think your well being and happiness has a lot to do with the happiness of your living space. Let me tell you this: flowers make ALL the difference in the world. First, buying flowers and leaving the shop with them feels productive in itself, and second, it just brightens and livens (literally) anything and everything up!

Here are a few of my other favorites:

  • Dress up for your workout

  • Go for a walk and listen to the songs that put you in the best mood

  • Get dressed up and go walk around some of your favorite stores

  • Bake something

  • Try photographing your day, even if it’s not that exciting, in a way that would make it “Instagrammable”: For example, I have oatmeal almost every day, but sometimes I spend extra time making it look pretty and set it on my desk next to some flowers and take a picture.

What I hope the takeaway from this post is, is that you can see that it doesn’t even have to cost much to look at your daily life and implement some subtle changes that make a world of difference in your health and well being.