As a true Aries at heart, I naturally am obsessed with being in control of everything. I also want everything to be “perfect”. While this trait does help me to hold to higher standards and remain accountable, it also has held me back from relaxing into the more blissful parts of life. One of my intentions I set for the new year at the beginning of 2019 was to let go and also to let go of the fear of losing control. I realized that I was causing myself a lot of anxiety by always wanting to be in control. I finally acknowledged that there is no way to control anyone or anything but ourselves and the way respond to change. While it was hard at first, moving to New York really made me realize just how much space you take up in your mind by resisting things out of our control. The subway and all of its delays and cancelations is a perfect example :)

When I first started out on my healthy eating and exercise journey I wanted to be perfect. While I did achieve my goals because of my commitment to nonstop nutrition and exercise, I also held myself back from enjoying the things that were a little bit indulgent. When I let go and finally started to acknowledge rest days, to eat a piece of chocolate cake, to not worry so much when things went wrong, I actually became the healthiest, both mentally and physically, that I have ever been. I can’t stress the importance enough of remembering that healthy eating and exercise are a lifestyle. It makes no difference if you have a dessert after a day of normal eating and then wake up the next day and continue to eat normally.

The tension and stress that you hold onto when you hold yourself back, both mentally and physically, becomes exhausting overtime. So I want to be here to tell you that letting go is the best thing you will ever do. Don’t hold yourself back. Don’t wait for anyone to tell you it’s a good time. Just move through life as it comes and continue to implement movement and nutrition into your everyday life. If you ever have any questions feel free to message me on Instagram! I’d be happy to give my advice :)