I didn’t think I would ever be one to say this but I LOVE podcasts! It’s such a great way to fill your mind and give you something to think about during what might normally be monotonous tasks like walking, driving, cleaning, or even exercising. The key to podcasts is to start by listening to podcasts on topics you are truly passionate about. I find it so much easier to be invested in what someone has to say, if it’s something I really want to learn more about and get better from. I wanted to share a few of my favorites to give some inspiration to anyone looking to get into listening. I have seriously learned SO much and love that I can feel like I’m multitasking by learning and doing.

  1. Second Life: Definitely my favorite podcast of all time, Second Life interviews women who are entrepreneurs or CEOs and asks them about their past from college through all of their previous jobs, to now their “second life”. It’s so reassuring to hear how many times these women have changed jobs or taken a risk in business! They also choose the best curation of guests to interview :)

  2. The Skinny Confidential: I recently got into TSC after hearing several people say they were hooked! I love the laid back conversational style this podcast has. It’s similar to second life but a little bit more “real” through the more unique questions the hosts Lauren and Micheal ask!

  3. Goop: I love the Goop podcasts for something a little bit more serious and educational feeling. These podcasts aren’t as much interviews on people but more asking professionals for advice from their field. “How to Become Your Future Self” is a must listen.

  4. Skimm’d From the Couch: More similar to TSC and Second Life, the girls at Skimm’d interview successful women on how they got to where they are today. It’s so motivating to listen to these success stories because most people got to where they are without having a set plan and by working hard at things they were good at.

I hope you found this inspiring to possibly start listening in to a few podcasts! Let me know if you give any of these a listen!