I have talked a lot about my personal health journey, but I haven’t touched on the things I have done to really see results.

I have tried EVERY type of workout you can think of. I have tried ALL the health and nutrition trends. Yes, nutrition and exercise are key components, but where and when I have seen the most results are when I am happiest. Most people, including myself, often underestimate the benefits of and importance of our mental health on our physical self. I became my absolute fittest, both mentally and physically when I moved to New York. This was not due solely to the extra walking and fabulous fitness classes, but the total happiness I have to wake up and live in that city every day. While not everyone can physically move to a new place, we do have the ability to make small changes to improve and work on our mental health everyday. I wanted to share a few things you can do at home to still enhance your mood.


For me, coming back to my breath always, always helps calm me down and put things in perspective. It’s not easy to do, especially for a racing mind like mine, but I always feel so much mental clarity afterwards.


Having an outlet that allows you to be your most creative self is crucial to feeling happy. I didn’t realize how much I was holding myself back until I dove into really exploring and spending time on my passion, my blog and Instagram. Whatever that is for you, I cannot stress enough the importance of making time to let your creative spirit free. It’s beyond rewarding.


Taking time to be with yourself, by taking yourself out for a coffee, working out, walking, driving, whatever it is for you that allows you to truly be alone with your thoughts, is where the magic happens. Most of us don’t stop and sit with ourselves. We don’t want to because we don’t want to be uncomfortable, but the more we do it, the more comfortable it gets. You truly have to be in touch with yourself to be happy and successful in anything that you do. Not only does this connection strengthen your relationship with yourself, it strengthens your relationship with other people. So take that time and really get to know yourself. Listen to your body, listen to your heart, and really dive into understanding WHO YOU ARE.