Hard work. I live for working hard. It’s definitely the Aries in me and I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. While it may look like it’s always glamorous and care free on here, I wanted to share a little bit of reality that is constantly going on behind the scenes. I work three jobs, an internship, am a full time student, and run my blog. I pay for every piece of clothing myself. There are no days off but I love it. I live for the hustle. Everyday that we wake up with the opportunity to make things happen is a gift. If there’s anything I’ve learned in this life it’s that you can truly get what you want if you are wiling to work for it. So go after what you want, don’t let anyone hold you back, and know that you can and you will make it happen. You just have to want it. 

I wanted to write a post all about how I manage my time and balance it all. I plan non-stop and I have a very set routine in order to make all of these things happen every single day.

  1. Never sacrifice exercise and nutrition: The only way I can possibly run at the rate I do is because I prioritize my mental and physical well being. Giving myself the proper fuel to run for hours and having the stamina is critical in my everyday lifestyle. You can read more about What I Eat in A Day here. 

  2. Get up early: Getting up early is seriously life-changing. Giving yourself the time to set yourself up for the day can help you run so much more efficiently throughout it. You don’t need to put in 3 extra hours of work, but if you use those three extra hours to take of yourself and get your mind and body in a clear space, it will be so much more beneficial throughout the entire day. 

  3. Always give yourself a tangible task: If I have a spare hour or two, there is no way I’m going to sit and do nothing. While that’s great (& necessary) every now and then, I always ask myself “Do I need groceries?”, “Do I need to clean/do laundry?”, “What do I need to go pick up?” 

  4. Pick up the pace (literally): I’m naturally a fast walker, but you can seriously cover so much more ground when you walk faster. Getting in a little extra work and maximizing all the time that you have. Next time you are out and about, notice and see if you can put a little extra pep in your step :)

  5. Take the night before to actually map out your day: I always pull up Google Maps and see how much I can get done in one area to maximize time, especially in NYC. I also account for the fastest routes (Metro/Car/Walking- keeping time of day in mind as well) I then always look up how long it will take me to get from place to place and then schedule my destinations accordingly. For example, if I have things I want to do in Soho, I will start the morning down there with a workout class, stay down there and grab breakfast, then work my way back uptown.

  6. Block off activities: I really try and schedule my planner so that work, school, and leisure are all very separate. It’s so much more efficient that way because you won’t find things blending together or find yourself feeling stressed by one thing when you are working on another. I keep mornings to myself for leisure, weekday daytime for school, weekday evenings for my blog, weekend daytime for work, and weekend nights for time with friends!

  7. Know when to multitask: Multitasking shouldn’t be an all day everyday thing, especially if you want to avoid burnout; however, it can be quite useful For example, you can relax and treat yourself at your favorite coffee shop while getting work done. You can answer emails if you have a long commute or wait. Do a quick study sesh while your laundry is in the wash…

I hope you found these tips helpful! Be sure to follow along on my YouTube Channel where I show real day in the life vlogs and document my daily life and the hustle. :)