Hi Everyone! Now that it’s summer and everyone is starting to travel in a time of germs, I wanted to hop on today and share some of my tips and practices I have been doing to boost my immunity before hitting the road or hopping on a plane. While these practices don’t guarantee total protection from the virus, I know they are at least helping to lessen severity of symptoms. The two biggest parts of the body I focus on are gut health + lymphatic drainage. These are the basis of our immune function, but people often overlook them and just focus in on one supplement like Vitamin C. We have to remember to zoom out and look at the systems of our body as a whole and how they work together! :)

Sweat it Out!

I have been going to the infrared sauna once a week for the few weeks leading up to travel. The difference with an infrared sauna vs. a regular sauna, is infrared light goes deeper into the body to promote healing and detoxification. My sessions are 140 degrees for 40 mins and I feel incredible after! Sweating helps promote circulation, boosts white blood cell count (one of our primary lines of immune defense), and helps give your skin that extra glow. I also make sure I hit up hot yoga a few times a week if I can too.


Dry Brush + Cold Shower

After any hot workout or sauna session, I head home and dry brush (brushing up towards the heart in circular motions) and hop in a cold shower. These two practices are key to lymphatic drainage and circulation. Lymphatic drainage is the practice of helping our cells move around better and respond more quickly to areas that need healing. Cold showers are also super great for helping with glowing skin and shiny hair.


Pro + Pre-biotics

Gut health = total health. It all starts in the gut! I take the Seed daily symbiotic every morning on an empty stomach. Many people focus on probiotics, but you actually need to take pre and probiotics together because of their symbiotic relationship. Prebiotics are food for the probiotics to actually function properly!

Eat high antioxidant foods

I always pay extra special attention to the foods I’m eating during times where illness is going around. I make sure to pack my diet with as many antioxidants as possible (fruits + veggies with every meal). I also make sure to limit my intake of processed health foods and sugars. Sugars are fuel for bad cells in the body, and we don’t want to feed the fire! Some of my favorite high antioxidant foods are: matcha, cacao, goji berries, and spiruilina (all good things that can be thrown in a smoothie). Smoothies are actually one of the best ways to make sure you can pack in as many nutrients at once.


Stay hydrated!

Most people are actually chronically dehydrated, which means if you fall ill, you are already behind. Make sure you are drinking at least half your body weight in water everyday, plus more if you sweat, to stay ahead. Our body does not function properly without hydration, which once again aids in the circulation of the good cells! I make sure to drink water with electrolytes and minerals too. ( I love Flow water)

I hope you find these tips helpful and that you all stay healthy, happy, and safe throughout all of your travels this summer!